Marketing Turistico

DDL Concorrenza: ok Emendamento Booking, agli hotel piena libertà sul prezzo.

DDL Concorrenza: ok Emendamento Booking, agli hotel piena libertà sul prezzo. DDL Concorrenza: ok Emendamento Booking, agli hotel piena libertà sul prezzo.

Federalberghi. Tagliola alle clausole, considerate vessatorie, che impedivano agli hotel piena libertà di prezzo di vendita delle proprie camere, in caso di intermediazione tramite ota. E’ stato approvato alla quasi unanimità il decreto legislativo, noto come anti Booking, che consentirà agli albergatori di fare il proprio prezzo in autonomia, offrendo tariffe più basse rispetto alle […]

  • Francesca is highly knowledgeable Web Project Manager. She has a very impressive background and profile and I recommend Francesca as a Technology expert to connect with and consider for anything appropriate.I am glad to have found her. (Fabrizio Gallo, Owner of GoWork)
  • Francesca is a responsible and smart person with lots of knowledge in his field. Energetic, wise, hard working and deadline oriented programme. Her conception, creativity and understanding of change requests made the project of my personal web-site a dream.  I would highly recommend her to anyone anywhere in the world. She knows how to work from a distance! (Caterina Zandonella - Cat Zaza illustrations)